Instrument Rental Info
Please attend the Band Info night on Wednesday, September 13 6:30pm in the Pollock Center for more information about getting an instruments. Instruments will be available for purchase at this event.
We currently have an awesome partnership with the Horn Hospital for instrument rentals and repairs. They have a fantastic Rent-To-Own program for instruments. Here are a few of the reasons their rental program stands out others!
100% (less sales tax) of your rental fee goes into your account until the balance reaches the value of the instrument you are renting. You will then get a letter/call stating that you can either buy your instrument with your account balance, or apply the money towards a better quality "step-up" instrument. This is the better option if your child is going to continue in band through high-school.
Horn Hospital offers a Damage and Replacement (D&R) coverage option for a few dollars extra per month. This plan covers any repairs or even replacement of the instrument at no extra cost to you. Please strongly consider purchasing the D&R coverage. Instruments get dropped and most end up needing repairs regularly!
You can choose your purchase price point from new or used instruments that are in inventory.