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You do not need to provide any school supplies for your child. We have a binder for each child. We include a pencil box with school supplies, including scissors, crayons, glue, dry erase markers, highlighters, and colored pencils . There is not a lot of room in our desks, and so it is best to keep extra supplies at home because they will not fit in the desks!
******Except.....we do ask each student to bring in a set of headphones. They can be ear buds or over the ear headphones, whatever works best. If you are unable to get them for whatever reason, let me know and I can!
*** We have two children with severe allergies to all tree nuts and peanut butter. Please be mindful when you send in a snack for your child. We will be diligent about wiping desks and washing hands, but the best plan is to avoid sending in snacks with these ingredients. It is truly life-threatening. I have a sign posted outside of the classroom with these items listed. If you have questions, just send me an email.
We have snack every morning around 9:50. I am asking that each child bring his/her own snack. (I always have something for the kids who forget. If you are willing, we can use prepackaged snacks to share for just those occasions.)
The kids look forward to this each day.
Walkers go out the doors by the gym only. They are dismissed at 2:45 and will be called by the annoucements. If your child is meeting you to walk -- the playground is the best place! (There is a video online showing how this will look!)
Car Riders go out the front door at 2:50 and wait for their parents to pull up. The adults on duty will call out the child's name. Students will open their own car door.
MOST IMPORTANTLY---- If you ever find that your child is feeling unusual stress or excess anxiety in third grade, please contact me. I am a mom and a teacher, and I want all good things for my children -- and yours, too!
We are mastering multiplication AND Division. We start the year with multplication and divison. Please practice at home to help students gain not only fluency, but automaticity!
We have 5 units in science. Teachers each teach a different unit. We will start with my Science Topic: Plants. As we finish a 3-4 week unit,students will move to the next topic.
We start the year with a unit on mapping. Then we move to science. We end the year with a unit on Washington, DC.
In guided reading, students are instructed on their reading level in a small group setting. We will begin the year with shared reading and whole group instruction. Sometime within the first Marking Period we will begin Guided Reading in small groups.
We have a whole group reading unit that lasts for 2- 3 weeks. This includes a chosen story, a nonfiction story or complimentary story, vocabulary, comprehension, a reading skill, and a writing piece.
We will work on different writing pieces. Your students will be using topic sentences, transition words, and conclusions with ease! We will be working on using details to support our ideas. We will be using text evidence and robust vocabulary! I am so excited to see your children progress!
Now we have introduced "First In Math" which provides a unique individualized site for students to "practice" and play games at the same time. Students each have a log in and password. They can earn virtual stickers and compete with each other and still work at their own level at the same time. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT AND USE IT AT HOME. THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN GET INVOLVED!