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Classroom News - ESL Classroom

Children of the World

Ocean Supercrop (National Geographic)


Whale sharks-Slow moving carpet shark (a shark that has a carpet patterns)

Scientists-People who study plants and animals.

Kelp-A type of seaweed; found on the bottom of the ocean. 

Fishers-People who catch fish

Ocean-Big body of saltwater

Craters-The top of a moon or a planet

China-A country in East Asia.

Rocks-Objects made of minerals; found outdoors

Moon-A body in space that orbits earth

Planet-A body in space that moves around a star

Zero input food-The food is good with nothing added such as salt.



Oslob is in the Phillipenes (South East Asia). (See the globe on page 4 of National Geographic magazine.)


  • Whale sharks are the largest fish in the ocean.
  • Whale sharks come because fishers feed them.
  • Scientists worry about feeding sharks too many times.
  • This can bother them where they live.


  • Kelp is a type of seaweed.
  • It is found on the ocean's floor.
  • It is a very healthy food to eat.
  • It is a zero input food.


  • People first walked on the moon 51 years ago.
  • In 2019, China landed a craft on the other side of the moon.
  • It landed on a crater.
  • Rocks were around the crater.


 Mrs. Crump's English Language Development Classes

 The English Language Learners are pulled out from their regular class at certain times.  At other times, the ESL teacher may assist the students or consult with teachers in the regular class setting. The amount of time the ELL's spend with the ESL teacher and Instructional Assistant, depends on their English proficiency levels.

The lessons include 4 different domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The ELL's review the calendar, weather, sing songs, and learn about new themes weekly. The students receive a new story and vocabulary/high frequency word lists every week.  They read 1-2 stories and participate in a variey of activities.  These activities include:  phonics games, plays, puppet making, story writing, singing songs, vocabulary usage, and sentence completion.

Current Lessons/Themes/Resources: 

Calendar and Calendar Math, the Weather

Fall poems/songs


Harcourt Brace textbooks/Reach National Geographic-Various Themes

Creative Ideas workbooks (varied English proficiency levels)

Rosetta Stone Classroom on the computer



There is a behavior plan in the ESL clasroom.  Students will follow the class rules. These are: Follow directions, Speak only when it is your turn, Keep your hands and feet to yourself, and Be kind to others.

0 Warnings/1 Pre-Warning=At least one sticker on behavior chart

Grade K=10 stickers=1 prize

Grade 1=15 stickers=1 prize

Grade 2=20 stickers=1 prize

Grade 6=50 stickers=1 prize


1  or 2 Warnings=(no sticker on chart)

3 Warnings=(no sticker on chart; phone call or letter to parents)

4 Warnings=The principal will be contacted.

Every week, the students will bring home folders with completed work and papers.  Parents should take out all completed work and sign next to the appropriate date.  Students receive a star when they return the folder to school.  Students will receive a prize when they earn 5 stars.