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### Exercises

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Try some of these exercises and workouts at home! Videos of each exercise are at the bottom of the page.

1. Lunge: Standing upright, step forward with one foot; sink straight down so your front knee is over top of your shoe and your back knee points toward the floor. Your back leg should be balanced on your toe. Rise up and return to starting position. Repeat with opposite leg. Reminder: do not let your back knee touch the ground, get as close as you can without touching.

 Beginner: 3 sets of 5 reps per leg   

Intermediate: 3x10    

Advanced 3x20+

2. Air Squat: Standing with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, sit your butt back by moving hips first and lower down as though you were sitting in a chair. Your knees should be over top of your toes, chest and chin up, eyes forward. Your body weight should be back on your heels and when you are in the full squat position you should be able to wiggle your toes while remaining balanced.  Arms can be at side, straight in front of body, or on top of head.

 Beginner: 3 sets of 5 reps    

Intermediate 3x10    

Advanced 3x20+

3. Burpee: Begin in a standing positing, crouch down into a tuck position with hands on floor, kick legs straight back into push up plank position, jump legs back up into the crouched position, and jump up in the air back up to starting position. (Up, Down, legs out, legs in)

Beginner: 3 sets or 5 reps or just try the bottom part of the burpee where you begin in push up plank and jump legs into a crouched position and back out.

Intermediate: Full burpee 3x10

Advanced: Full burpee plus a push up 3x10+

4. Mountain Climbers: Begin on hands and feet with one knee forward toward chest and other leg straight back. Alternate by bringing one leg up with knee to chest and other leg straight back. Continue at a steady pace alternating legs. 

Beginner: 3sets of 10 reps or 3 sets of 30 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 20 or 3 x 45seconds

Advanced 3 x 30 or 3 x 1 minute

5. Step ups: You will need a chair, bench, or something that will not move or slide out from under you.  Simply set up onto the object using the stepping leg to provide the strength to lift your body up and bring your body back down. Alternate legs.

Beginner: 3 x 5 per leg or 3 x 30 seconds

Intermediate 3 x 10 per leg or 3 x 45 seconds

Advanced 3 x 20 per leg or 3 x 1 minute

6. Wall sits: Find an open space on a wall and stand with your back against the wall. Slide your body down until you are in a seated position with a 90-degree angle at the knee joint. Keep back flat against the wall and place hands at side, out in front, or above your head. The wall sit is more challenging the higher you hold your hands. Hold this position for a time limit.

Beginner: 3, 30 second holds

Intermediate: 3, 45 seconds holds

Advanced: 3, 1 minute holds

7. Calf raises: Find a stair and stand with toes on the edge of the stair. Lower your heels over the edge of the stair and push with your toes to raise and lower your body up and down.  If you need help with balance, lightly grab onto the railing.

Beginner: 3 x 10

Intermediate: 3 x 20

Advanced: 3 x 30

8. Chair pose: Begin by standing up straight with feet together or a slight space between them and hands straight overhead. Sit back by bringing your thighs as parallel to the floor as you can. Your knees will be slightly forward over toes. Hold your core and body tight for a time limit.

Beginner: 3 x 30 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 45 seconds

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute

9. Donkey kicks: Begin on hands and knees with you back flat in tabletop position. Take one leg at a time and kick it up behind you raising your heel toward the ceiling and lowering it back down. Repeat with other leg keeping the motion slow and controlled.

Beginner: 3 x 5 per leg

Intermediate: 3 x 10 per leg

Advanced: 3 x 20 per leg

10. Sumo squat:  Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart. Point toes outward and make sure knees are wider than hips and feet are wider than knees. Similar to the air squat, sit your butt back by moving hips first and lower down. Your knees should be over top of your toes, chest and chin up, eyes forward. Your body weight should be back on your heels.

Beginner: 3 x 5

Intermediate: 3 x 10

Advanced: 3 x 20

11. Bulgarian squat: You will need a chair, bench, or something that will not move or slide out from under you.  Facing forward with the chair behind you place one foot behind you elevated on the chair with top of toes down while your other leg will be underneath you. Lower your body as though you were doing a lunge bending front leg to 90 degrees at the knee joint and back leg lowering the kneed down toward the ground. Perform all the reps with one leg at a time.

Beginner: 3 x 5 per leg

Intermediate: 3 x 10 per leg

Advanced: 3 x 20 per leg

12. Hip marches: Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor and arms at side with palms down. Push with your heels to raise hips up and tighten core. Raise one leg at a time in a marching motion while maintaining a strong body position.

Beginner: 3 x 5 per leg or 3 x 30 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 10 per leg or 3 x 45 seconds

Advanced: 3 x 20 per leg or 3 x 1 minute

13. Superman’s: Lay on belly with arms straightforward and legs straight back. Arch back and raise arms up off ground and lifting chin up. At the same time raise legs and hips up straight back behind you. Hold this position for a time limit.

Beginner: 3 x 15 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 30 seconds

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute 

14. Push Up: Support body on hands and toes. Hands should be shoulder with apart and placed directly under shoulders. Back should be straight and flat and toes should be pushed down into the ground. Lower body down by bending the elbows and maintaining the strong body position. When your arms reach 90 degrees at the elbow joint push back up to the starting position. To modify the push up simply place knees on the ground but remain leaning forward and maintaining that strong body position.

Beginner: 3 x 5

Intermediate: 3 x 10

Advanced: 3 x 20

15. Dips: You will need a chair, bench, or something that will not move or slide out from under you. With your back to the chair place your hands reverse with palms down and elbows out to side and legs together straight out on front of you with toes pointing toward ceiling. Lower your body down by bending your arms and raising and lowering your body.

Beginner: 3 x 5

Intermediate: 3 x 10

Advanced: 3 x 20

16. Plank: Get into push up position and bend your elbows to 90 degrees and rest your body weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders and your body should be in a straight line. Hold your core and body tight and strong for a time limit.

Beginner: 3 x 15 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 30 seconds

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute

17. Side plank: From the same plank position turn to one side resting bodyweight on forearm and side of foot. Hold strong for a time limit and repeat with the opposite side. To make this easier drop one knee down to help with balance and to take some of the weight off of your forearm. To make it more challenging try raising the top leg maintaining space between your feet.

Beginner: 3 x 15 seconds per side

Intermediate: 3 x 30 seconds per side

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute per side

18. Push up with rotation: Perform a push up as mentioned during the push up day and add in a rotation after each push up. The rotation is from the top of the push up position twist your body to one side raising hand to the ceiling and back to the ground, do a push up and repeat with the opposite side.

Beginner: 3 x 15 seconds per side

Intermediate: 3 x 30 seconds per side

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute per side

19. Table pose with balance: Start on hands in knees with a flat back in tabletop position. Raise one hand forward and opposite leg straight back behind you. Your body will be balancing on one knee and one arm while your core is holding tight to maintain the balance. Move with slow controlled movements and alternate with the other side.  When you get to full extension of arm and leg, hold for 2 seconds before returning to tabletop and alternations sides.

Beginner: 3 x 5 per side

Intermediate: 3 x 10 per side

Advanced: 3 x 20 per side

20. Scissor Abs: Lay on back with arms down to side and palms flat on ground. Lift one leg straight up keeping it straight as possible and other leg flat on ground with toe pointed upward. When you begin to lower the elevated leg, bring it down slowly and raise the other leg at the same time making a scissor motion with your legs. Move legs in a slow and controlled motion using your lower abdominals to raise and lower leg.

Beginner: 3 x 15 seconds

Intermediate: 3 x 30 seconds

Advanced: 3 x 1 minute

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