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My Resources

My Resources

Please feel free to click on this link to find GREAT Occupational Therapy (OT) information from our Wonderful OT, Ms. Howatt:


Links to Relaxation Exercises through the Dartmouth University Website (To include visualization and muscle relaxation exercises, guided imagery and meditative music):


Tips for Preventing Youth Suicide - From the National Association of School Psychologists:




Click on the link below for Tips for Teens to Prevent Suicide


Click here (below) for Tips for Parents and School Staff on Preventing Suicide:





Netflix's 13 REASONS WHY


FROM PERRI ROSEN, PhD - PA Psychologist

As you may have heard, there are several seasons of 13 Reasons Why, available on Netflix.  

Numerous organizations from around the world have partnered to develop resources for youth, families, educators, clinicians, and the media around the various challenging topics portrayed in this series.  These resources are presently being compiled on the following website:   

 This website may be helpful in communicating with youth, family, and community members about the series.  See also the statement (below) from SAVE:

Statement from SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)


Thank you,

Perri Rosen, PhD, NCSP | Project Director, Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant

Department of Human Services | Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

Bureau of Children’s Behavioral Health

P.O. Box 2675 | Commonwealth Towers | 11th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675

Phone: (717) 772-7858 [office] | (717) 303-4611 [mobile]

Fax: (717)-772-7964



Information about the Coping Cat Program (Anxiety and Stress Reduction Program)

by Philip Kendall and Kristina Hedtke -

Temple University



Tips for Students with ADHD (general suggestions): 



--- Go in early (or stay after school) to meet with teachers in classes in which extra assistance is needed


--- Use priority/preferential seating (i.e., seating in the front of the room, near the teacher or seating to the side, away from distractions, and/or seating away from noisy or distracting peers), as needed


--- Break down assignments, projects, and notes for tests into smaller (less overwhelming) chunks


---Use calendars, planners and agendas (handwritten or electronic) to note important dates for tests, projects, activities, etc.


--- Use/ask for the repetition of directions/ shortened directions, and/or instructions and directions given 1 or 2 steps/items at a time, possible use of written instructions (as opposed to verbally presented only)


--- Extended time on tests and quizzes (only if/when needed) [generally provided only through a 504 plan - 504 plans are sometimes created after a student receives a diagnosis by a psychologist, family doctor or pediatrician, or psychiatrist, and only if it is determined to be required for him/her/them to be able to learn or to perform in the educational setting] - 504 plans are also sometimes used for medical conditions (diabetes, heart or orthopedic conditions), for processing issues, or for difficulties such as anxiety and depression, and etc.


--- Tests in a quiet, distraction free, small group setting (this would only be done if considered necessary -

and is usually only provided through a 504 plan)


--- Daily and weekly review of the planner, calendar or organizer, alone or with a peer or an adult, in order to see what assignments, tests and projects are coming up, and to assist with dividing up and ‘planning out’ long-term assignments


--- Parent, teacher, and student (if old enough) review of parent portal


--- Reminders about assignments and upcoming tests (could use sticky notes or technology [i.e., use of a calendar on a computer where assignments can be entered and linked to a reminder system])


--- Gaining the student’s attention before speaking to them; having them repeat back what was stated 


--- Reviewing and modeling good organizational techniques with your child or adolescent at home, such as planning ahead, using calendars and use of organization systems (i.e., files, special baskets just for certain items, containers, putting items away in the same place every time, etc.)


Please Note - Books on ADHD are available for 'check-out' through Dr. Rice.  Please feel free to reach out to borrow one!



All or some of these might be helpful!  Different techniques work for different individuals!   



Possible ADHD websites (these are not necessarily recommended or endorsed --

They may possibly have some tips that are of benefit or of interest):