### Science
4th Grade Science Units:
- Electricity and Magnetism-Mrs. Spinelli
- Environments-Mrs. Tafoya
- Physical and Changing Earth pt 1-Mrs Hatch
- Physical and Changing Earth pt 2-Mr. Kepner
- Solar Systems-Mrs. Gottdiner
3recycle the world
Related Files
Science rotation:
1st Science Module = Mrs. Tafoya/Ecology
2nd Science Module = Mrs. Gottdiner/Sun Moon and Stars
3rd Science Module = Mrs. Hatch/Geology
4th Science Module = Mrs. Witmer/Electricity and Magnetism
5th Science Module = Mr. Kepner/Life Cycles
4th Grade Team of Teachers:
Mrs. Hatch – chatch@camphillsd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Tafoya – ctafoya@camphillsd.k12.pa
Mr. Kepner – kkepner@camphillsd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Witmer – cwitmer@camphillsd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Gottdiner – bgottdiner@camphillsd.k12.pa.us
1. Click on the website
2. Find the biome you are researching
3. Watch video